How to write remarks for school report card?

Writing remarks for a school report card is an important task for any teacher. If you’re seeking ideas to help you write remarks for a school report card that are strong and informative, consider the following tips for crafting effective and insightful comments.

1. A remark is a positive and encouraging sentence for the student to work more and become better. Eg – _______ is a brilliant and impeccable child.

2. It should never be a negative sentence, and it should not make students feel guilty, ashamed, or weak. Negative labeling should always be avoided at any cost. Eg, _______ is a mischievous and short-tempered child.

3. At the end of a sentence, words like ” Keep shining, Keep blooming, Fly high, Keep it up, keep growing, etc.” adds beauty to the remarks.

4. Every student should get a unique remark which will tell them about their strength and weakness. As a teacher, it is our responsibility to observe children’s qualities. Give respect to them and appreciate them for any small or big work in the classroom.

5. For weak areas, we can give them some challenges and tell them they have a lot of potential to grow.
Eg – Your observation skills are good, and you seem to be brimming with confidence, but have you set yourself sufficiently high goals? Perhaps now is the time to consider a new challenge of growing in writing skills as well.

Example on how to write remarks for school report card
Example of a Remark on Report Card

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Some general remarks and Math subject remarks for Nursery to class 1 are given below:

Write general remarks for school report card:

1. _______ is an inquisitive and soft-spoken child. She/He gives good examples in class by connecting her/his knowledge to her/his personal experiences. She/He needs to be more attentive in the classroom. Keep shining! Well done!

2. ________ is an amicable and motivated child. He/She asks thoughtful questions and puts her best effort into completing the classroom assignments. Well done! Keep it up!

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