Amazing Christmas activities for schools

Are you looking for exciting Christmas activities to liven up your school’s holiday celebrations? From craft projects and games to holiday-themed lessons and performances, there are many ways to bring the spirit of Christmas to your school. If you’re a teacher looking for ideas to include in your lesson plans or a parent searching for engaging ways to get your child in the holiday mood, these Christmas activities for schools are a perfect choice. So why wait? Start planning your school’s Christmas activities now, and get ready to spread some holiday cheer!

1. Make a gingerbread house cake: This is one of my favorite Christmas activities for schools. Have students make their own gingerbread houses using graham crackers, icing, and other edible decorations. To learn how to make an easy gingerbread house cake, you may have a look at this.

Christmas activities for schools - Gingerbread House Cake
Gingerbread House Cake

2. Making a Christmas volcano: In continuation with the first activity, conduct a holiday-themed science experiment, such as making a baking soda and vinegar “volcano” inside a gingerbread house model. we can do this to bring scientific temper in students, especially middle or higher classes.

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Role of parents in a child’s education

Parents must learn to trust their instincts and educate in ways that feel right for them and their children. I believe that when it comes to educating children, there are no hard-and-fast rules. Parents and teachers need to combine their efforts and understand each other’s roles to help children grow into mature and self-reliant adults. This article focuses on promoting ā€œintentional parentingā€ and various FAQs between parents and a teacher.

Frequently asked questions between a parent and a teacher

Q.1 Iā€™m a working parent. How can I help my child in their studies?

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