“Empowering Journey: My Transformative Experience at Lady Shri Ram College, Delhi University”

My journey of LSR !
From the beginning, I was out of my comfort zone at Lady Shri Ram College (LSR), New Delhi. But now when I look back, I understand that being uncomfortable was necessary for my growth. Every day was a new challenge, but every challenge was a new opportunity to learn. With each experience, I became more aware, more confident, and more open-minded.

At Lady Shri Ram College, I learned to embrace feminism as the conviction that equality is not a privilege, but a fundamental right. Everyone deserves it.

I found friends who accepted me for who I am, not for where I come from or how I speak. They became my family away from home. My teachers, with their wisdom and guidance, showed me that knowledge isn’t just about books and exams, but about understanding the world and our place in it.

LSR gave me the courage to dream and the tools to turn those dreams into reality. I learned that my voice matters and that it’s okay to be different. It taught me to take pride in my accomplishments, however small they may be, and to never stop striving for more.

Above all, LSR taught me the importance of self-love and self-respect. I learned to appreciate myself and recognize my worth. I understood that it’s okay to have flaws and that perfection isn’t the goal. The goal is to be a better version of myself each day.

Today, I am a brave woman, capable and determined, thanks to LSR. My journey here has been transformative and empowering. It has given me the strength to be myself, and the wisdom to know that I am enough just the way I am. Here is not the last but a goodbye bid to my college life.