Crafting a job-winning resume isn’t always straightforward. This article shares some novel and compelling tips to elevate your resume, ensuring it doesn’t just catch the attention of hiring managers but also passes the automated Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) with flying colours. Here are some important pointers.

1. Leverage the Power of ATS-Friendly Keywords in Resume:

An unknown fact to many job seekers is that 75% of resumes never reach a human recruiter because they fail to pass through ATS. These systems scan your resume for job-specific keywords before deciding whether or not it’s worth a human recruiter’s time. The first tip to optimize your resume is to tailor it with relevant keywords that match the job description. However, avoid keyword stuffing as the ATS is designed to penalize such resumes. Strive for a balanced, natural use of industry-related terms throughout your document. Link for ATS score: https://resumeworded.com/resume-scanner or https://zety.com/resume-check

For example: Checking personal pronoun mistakes and giving scores.

2. Adopt the STAR Method for a Compelling Narrative:

Your resume is a narrative that tells your professional story. To stand out, adopt the STAR (Situation, Task, Action, Result) method when describing your work experiences. This strategy ensures that you don’t merely list your responsibilities but showcase your contributions and their impact. For example, instead of saying “Managed a team of sales associates,” you might say “Supervised a team of 10 sales associates, boosting overall sales by 25% in one quarter.

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