Crafting a job-winning resume isn’t always straightforward. This article shares some novel and compelling tips to elevate your resume, ensuring it doesn’t just catch the attention of hiring managers but also passes the automated Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) with flying colours. Here are some important pointers.

1. Leverage the Power of ATS-Friendly Keywords in Resume:

An unknown fact to many job seekers is that 75% of resumes never reach a human recruiter because they fail to pass through ATS. These systems scan your resume for job-specific keywords before deciding whether or not it’s worth a human recruiter’s time. The first tip to optimize your resume is to tailor it with relevant keywords that match the job description. However, avoid keyword stuffing as the ATS is designed to penalize such resumes. Strive for a balanced, natural use of industry-related terms throughout your document. Link for ATS score: https://resumeworded.com/resume-scanner or https://zety.com/resume-check

For example: Checking personal pronoun mistakes and giving scores.

2. Adopt the STAR Method for a Compelling Narrative:

Your resume is a narrative that tells your professional story. To stand out, adopt the STAR (Situation, Task, Action, Result) method when describing your work experiences. This strategy ensures that you don’t merely list your responsibilities but showcase your contributions and their impact. For example, instead of saying “Managed a team of sales associates,” you might say “Supervised a team of 10 sales associates, boosting overall sales by 25% in one quarter.

Continue reading “6 STEPS TO RESUME SUCCESS”

“Empowering Journey: My Transformative Experience at Lady Shri Ram College, Delhi University”

My journey of LSR !
From the beginning, I was out of my comfort zone at Lady Shri Ram College (LSR), New Delhi. But now when I look back, I understand that being uncomfortable was necessary for my growth. Every day was a new challenge, but every challenge was a new opportunity to learn. With each experience, I became more aware, more confident, and more open-minded.

At Lady Shri Ram College, I learned to embrace feminism as the conviction that equality is not a privilege, but a fundamental right. Everyone deserves it.

I found friends who accepted me for who I am, not for where I come from or how I speak. They became my family away from home. My teachers, with their wisdom and guidance, showed me that knowledge isn’t just about books and exams, but about understanding the world and our place in it.

LSR gave me the courage to dream and the tools to turn those dreams into reality. I learned that my voice matters and that it’s okay to be different. It taught me to take pride in my accomplishments, however small they may be, and to never stop striving for more.

Above all, LSR taught me the importance of self-love and self-respect. I learned to appreciate myself and recognize my worth. I understood that it’s okay to have flaws and that perfection isn’t the goal. The goal is to be a better version of myself each day.

Today, I am a brave woman, capable and determined, thanks to LSR. My journey here has been transformative and empowering. It has given me the strength to be myself, and the wisdom to know that I am enough just the way I am. Here is not the last but a goodbye bid to my college life.


10 Best Online Professional Development Courses for Teachers

As a teacher looking for professional development opportunities, the summer break provides the perfect chance to hone your skills with budget-friendly courses. This post lists the top online courses for educators, helping you optimize your teaching strategies and methodologies.

  1. FutureLearn: A Comprehensive Resource for Catering to Diverse Student Needs

FutureLearn is a great resource for learning. It offers courses that equip teachers with the ability to cater to diverse student needs. Their courses, “Teaching English Online” and “Understanding Autism, Asperger’s & ADHD”, can boost your special education skills. It is a paid resource but worth of price. It cost 700+ rupees per month for access to all the courses available. It provides certificates after completion of courses from good universities. Eg Cambridge University, Oxford University etc

Future Learn for Teachers

Some good courses:

A. Teaching Phonics in Early Childhood: https://www.futurelearn.com/courses/teaching-phonics

B.Exploring Inclusive Pedagogies: https://www.futurelearn.com/courses/exploring-inclusive-pedagogies

2. CELTA: The Gold Standard for Teaching English as a Second Language

The Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, commonly known as CELTA, is a highly reputed certification program for teachers worldwide. Run by Cambridge Assessment English, it equips teachers with the necessary.

Link: https://www.cambridgeenglish.org/teaching-english/teaching-qualifications/celta/

3. Khan Academy: Maximizes Your Educational Resources

Khan Academy is a great platform to find free teacher training course that helps educators integrate their resources effectively into teaching practices.

Khan Academy for Teachers

An example is “Teaching Coding” : https://www.khanacademy.org/khan-for-educators/resources/teacher-essentials/teaching-computing/a/programming-curriculum-overview

4. Canvas Network: Canvas Network offers free online courses and classes from the world’s leading universities. A variety of teaching and education courses are available that can help enhance your teaching skills. Visit them at Canvas Network. Delhi University provides few classes to B.El.Ed Students from it.

An Example is “Beginning To Blend” https://www.canvas.net/browse/relay/courses/beginning-to-blend

5. PBS TeacherLine: Your Destination for Flexible, Online Professional Development: PBS TeacherLine offers flexible, online professional development courses and resources for PreK-12 teachers. They offer both facilitated and self-paced courses on a variety of classroom topics. Check them out at PBS TeacherLine.

Example- Teaching Early Science with the Changing Seasons Collection | PBS KIDS Self-Paced Learning: https://www.pbslearningmedia.org/resource/teaching-early-science-with-the-changing-seasons/pbs-kids-teach-self-paced-learning-teacher-guide/

6. Google for Education: For Tech-Savvy Teachers

For those keen on integrating technology into their classrooms, Google for Education is a must-visit. Their “Teacher Center” provides free training resources and their “Certified Educator Level 1 and Level 2” courses are highly beneficial for tech-savvy teachers.

7. Microsoft Education Center: Integrate Technology into Teaching

Yet another resource for teachers keen on tech integration, Microsoft Education Center offers courses on how to use tools like Teams and Office365 to enhance your tech-enabled teaching.

link: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/education/educators/training-and-community

8. TeachThought PD: Tailor-Made Professional Development for Teachers

TeachThought offers a variety of professional development workshops and services specifically designed for teachers, including workshops on project-based learning, technology integration, and creating a growth mindset. You can find more about their services at TeachThought PD

9. Teachers Pay Teachers:

This isn’t a traditional course platform, but rather a marketplace where teachers share resources and lesson plans. You can learn a lot by seeing what other educators are doing and applying their methods in your own classroom. Check it out at Teachers Pay Teachers.

10. Open University’s OpenLearn: Free Professional Development Courses

The budget shouldn’t be a barrier to professional growth. Open University’s OpenLearn offers free courses like “Teaching for Good Behaviour” and “Understanding Dyslexia” for educators keen on free professional development opportunities.

11. DIKSHA: India’s National Digital Infrastructure for Teachers

For teachers in India, DIKSHA is a powerful platform launched by the Ministry of Human Resource Development. It offers a variety of courses and content designed by experts, along with features like QR code scanning for accessing digital content linked to textbooks. The aim is to empower teachers with the digital tools and knowledge necessary to create a holistic and effective learning environment.

12. NISHTA: India’s National Initiative for School Heads’ and Teachers’ Holistic Advancement

Also based in India, NISHTA is an integrated teacher training program designed to enhance teachers’ professional competencies. The program is based on the needs identified by a comprehensive need assessment survey and offers a range of online teacher training courses that align with the Indian educational context.


In summary, these are the best online professional development courses for teachers in 2023. Whether you’re looking to improve classroom management, learn innovative teaching strategies, or become a tech-savvy teacher, these online courses have something for every educator seeking professional development. Make the most of your summer and enter the new academic year with enhanced skills and new teaching techniques.

Happy Learning

Related articles:

  1. ChatGPT changing the Future of Teaching ://readingripples.co/chatgpt-and-the-future-of-teachers/
  2. Amazing Christmas activities for schools – https://readingripples.co/christmas-activities-for-schools/
  3. Scratch Coding for Children: https://readingripples.co/scratch-coding-game-for-kids/
  4. Online Educational Games for Children: https://readingripples.co/morning-routine-game/
  5. Good books to read: The Sharing Caterpillar https://readingripples.co/book-the-sharing-caterpillar/


8 Powerful Ways ChatGPT is Shaping the Future of Teaching

“Education is a journey of personal and social growth, a process of discovery that extends far beyond the boundaries of the classroom.”

ChatGPT and Teachers

ChatGPT and Teachers

CBSE has decided to introduce AI and coding as subjects from Classes 6 to 8. The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has recently announced its decision to introduce coding and artificial intelligence (AI) from Classes 6 to 8 as part of New Education Policy (NEP) 2020. With this, subjects like coding will also be taught early. As technology and the job market continue to shift, it’s crucial that teachers should adapt our education system to prepare students for the challenges of the future.

CBSE set to introduce AI and coding from Classes 6 to 8 : https://readingripples.co/wis6

The advent of AI chatbots has made traditional essay writing in schools and colleges a thing of the past, calling for more innovative and creative approaches to assessing students. Rather than relying solely on traditional testing methods, teachers must find new ways to measure students’ progress and growth, such as through project-based learning, peer evaluations, self-reflection and other innovative approaches.

What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is a chatbot developed by OpenAI. It also means that it is a tool of technology that talks to you, answers your questions, gives you ideas, creates stories, does research for you, and corrects your mistakes. It will be your best resource if you’ll learn to use its power accurately.

What things ChatGPT can do to help teachers?

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7 Steps to School Selection Success: How Teachers Can Find Their Perfect Fit

As a teacher, school selection is crucial for both personal and professional growth. Finding the right school to work in can lead to a fulfilling career, promoting the development of both you and your students. In this article, we’ll provide realistic and important factors to consider when selecting a school for teaching, ensuring that you make the best decision possible.

1. Alignment of Educational Philosophy

During the school selection process, it’s essential to understand its educational philosophy and how it aligns with your own. Example: Alternate school, International school, CBSE school etc. Research the school’s mission statement, curriculum, and teaching methodologies. Ask yourself whether the school’s approach to education resonates with your personal beliefs and values as an educator.

Continue reading “7 Steps to School Selection Success: How Teachers Can Find Their Perfect Fit”

10+ Valentine’s Day activities in school

Valentine’s Day revolves around the theme of LOVE, so why not the little children understand love as an emotion? To begin with love of parents, love of sharing, love of learning. Most Important of all is to learn to be KIND to each other.

To make you understand better about this idea, below are some activities that centered around love, kindness, and friendship, which can help students develop emotional intelligence and understand their own emotions and of others around them.


Children can design love letters for their parents. Teachers can encourage them to show their love for their parents.

Valentine’s Day Love Letter to Mum

2. SECRET ADMIRER: Encourage students to write secret admirer notes for one another. These can be delivered anonymously or with a name attached. This can be the same as the above activity. However, now admirers can be anyone.

Continue reading “10+ Valentine’s Day activities in school”

Scratch Coding Game For Kids

In this fast-growing world of technology, what is better than to know about Scratch Coding Games for kids? Scratch is a powerful tool that can help children as well as teachers to develop a wide range of skills that are essential for success in the digital age.

Scratch coding is a visual programming language and online community where users can create interactive games, animations, and simulations without the need to know complex programming languages.

  1. It is designed for children and beginners to learn the basics of programming concepts such as loops, conditionals, and variables.
  2. Users can create programs by dragging and dropping blocks of code that represent actions or commands onto a workspace.

Here is a sample game I have created using scratch coding!
(If you see a blue block below instead of the game, please reload the page and it should work.)


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Book: The Sharing Caterpillar

The Sharing Caterpillar – Join Coco, a tiny caterpillar with a big heart, on a journey of kindness and generosity. As Coco
explores the beautiful garden, she encounters many creatures in need of help, and she is always willing to share her resources and lend a helping hand. From sharing her food with hungry ants to offering her cozy home to a lost ladybug, Coco’s generosity knows no bounds. As she grows bigger and stronger, Coco becomes an inspiration to all the animals in the garden, and her positive actions
spread joy and happiness throughout the land. When Coco finally transforms into a beautiful butterfly, she continues to spread kindness and compassion wherever she goes.

The Sharing Caterpillar‘ is a heartwarming tale that teaches children the importance of sharing and helping others, and how even the smallest acts of kindness can make a big difference

The PDF is given below. You can download the book for free from the below link.

Continue reading “Book: The Sharing Caterpillar”

Role of parents in a child’s education

Parents must learn to trust their instincts and educate in ways that feel right for them and their children. I believe that when it comes to educating children, there are no hard-and-fast rules. Parents and teachers need to combine their efforts and understand each other’s roles to help children grow into mature and self-reliant adults. This article focuses on promoting “intentional parenting” and various FAQs between parents and a teacher.

Frequently asked questions between a parent and a teacher

Q.1 I’m a working parent. How can I help my child in their studies?

Continue reading “Role of parents in a child’s education”