Amazing Christmas activities for schools

Are you looking for exciting Christmas activities to liven up your school’s holiday celebrations? From craft projects and games to holiday-themed lessons and performances, there are many ways to bring the spirit of Christmas to your school. If you’re a teacher looking for ideas to include in your lesson plans or a parent searching for engaging ways to get your child in the holiday mood, these Christmas activities for schools are a perfect choice. So why wait? Start planning your school’s Christmas activities now, and get ready to spread some holiday cheer!

1. Make a gingerbread house cake: This is one of my favorite Christmas activities for schools. Have students make their own gingerbread houses using graham crackers, icing, and other edible decorations. To learn how to make an easy gingerbread house cake, you may have a look at this.

Christmas activities for schools - Gingerbread House Cake
Gingerbread House Cake

2. Making a Christmas volcano: In continuation with the first activity, conduct a holiday-themed science experiment, such as making a baking soda and vinegar “volcano” inside a gingerbread house model. we can do this to bring scientific temper in students, especially middle or higher classes.

Christmas activities for schools - Making a Christmas volcano
Making a Christmas volcano
Christmas activities for schools - Science Experiment: Rainbow Volcano
Science Experiment: Rainbow Volcano

3. Create a holiday mural: Have students work together to create a large holiday mural that can be displayed in the school or community.

Christmas Tree Murals
Christmas Tree Murals

3. Circle stamps Christmas tree art: Dip the toilet roll in green paint and stamp the paper to create a tree shape. Use smaller bottle tops or q-tips and dip in a different color paint to decorate the tree.

4. Santa gift exchange: Have students participate in a Secret Santa gift exchange, where they draw names and give a small Eco-friendly gift to the person whose name they drew.

Example: Artful Bunting:  Take veggies or fruits of different sizes and make an impression of them. It’s easy and fun to take those painted papers and turn them into a festive bunting! It also applies to Reggio’s educational philosophy.

Artful Bunting
Artful Bunting

5. Donate to a charity: Have students participate in a charity drive, such as collecting donations for a local food bank or toy drive.

Donate to a charity
Donate to a charity

6. Story Telling session on Christmas: Dr. Suess’s story “How the Grinch stole Christmas”

Book pdf:

7. Host a holiday book swap: Encourage students to bring in gently used holiday-themed books and have a book swap, where they can choose a new book to take home.

8. Make holiday-themed healthy tiffin boxes: Have students help make holiday-themed snacks, such as strawberries for red, kiwi for green and whole wheat bread for brown, cheese or paneer for white, etc.

Have a healthy Christmas Tiffin
Have a healthy Christmas Tiffin
 A healthy reindeer tiffin
A healthy reindeer tiffin

9. Create a holiday scavenger hunt: Create a list or riddle of Christmas items and have students search for them around the school or community.

I hope these ideas give you some inspiration for festive activities to do in school this winter season. Do let us know your thoughts in the comments.

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